Yupik Jades Creations

Proprietor: Jadeen L. Blythe

Arts and Crafts

Business Description/Artwork

I’m Yupik.  My family is from the Lower Yukon and Bering Sea Region. I am so proud of my Yupik Culture and bloodline. I am a Silver Hand Artist.
I’m a self taught beader. One month after teaching myself how to bead earrings I came up with my Original Ulu Design Earrings. I bead and wire wrap earrings. I bead loom bracelets and lanyards. I bead Cap Brims.  I also sew Qaspeqs, coats and hats, which I also taught myself how to make. I support MMIW and Every Child Matters which I incorporate into my creations also.
I love beading. I use Porcupine Quills and Ivory when available. My goals in the future to use more furs and fish skins in my work.
I take custom orders. I can also be found at an occasional vendor table. Mostly I sell my work through Facebook Marketplace.
Email or reach me thru Facebook Messenger if you’re interested in having something created.

Willow, Alaska